Klahanie Family Dentistry
Crowns Dentist Issaquah, WA
Crowns Dentist in Sammamish
Dental Crowns Procedure, Options & Details

Dr. Travis Howey has the experience and credentials you should look for when considering a Dentist for Crowns.

A healthy, beautiful smile starts here.
Be relaxed and comfortable throughout your appointment.

Dedicated to life-long learning, Dr. Howey has averaged 50 continuing education credit hours (per licensing period) throughout his career; the minimum requirements for the state of Washington are 20 continuing education credit hours per licensing period!

“I recently had a molar chip. I was worried it would need a root canal or some major treatment. Dr. Howey was great at accessing what needed to happen to keep my teeth healthy and game me a crown that feels better than my real tooth. Very happy with the results!!”

Jillyn T.
Dental crown patient

Dr. Travis Howey, with a high-tech dental office located in Issaquah, is an experienced crowns dentist.

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Dental crowns (or “caps”) are the chosen treatment when an extensively damaged tooth needs to be restored. Dr. Howey at Klahanie Family Dentistry recommends dental crowns when teeth have been severely affected by decay or trauma or when patients are looking for a dramatic enhancement in their smiles.

What is a dental crown?

Crowns are thin caps that cover the visible part of a tooth. In this kind of procedure, the root remains intact, helping to support the new crown. Crowns’ primary objective is to restore the teeth’ aesthetic and function. They can be made of different materials. Nowadays, the two more popular are ceramic and zirconia. However, other materials, such as gold and porcelain combined with metal, can also be used. These all are biocompatible materials, and each of them has different benefits.

During your visit to the dental office, the dentist will help you determine which material is the most suitable for your particular case. When the crown needs to be placed on a tooth shown when you smile, he will focus on matching its color and shape with the surrounding teeth.

Why do patients need a crown?

A dental crown can be indicated for the following reasons:

To protect a weak tooth from breaking
To restore a dental implant
To protect root-canaled teeth
To cover and strengthen a tooth after a large cavity filling.
To keep a dental bridge in place
To improve the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth
To make a cosmetic correction

Video 01:00 | A beautiful smile is something everyone wants. If you have a tooth that is not the same size or shape as your other teeth and that needs support, your dentist may recommend a crown.

Getting a crown placed

During a first visit to the office, the dentist will examine your smile and determine whether a dental crown is necessary or not. Usually, two appointments are required to complete the treatment. You can expect the followings steps:

The dentist will first numb the area.
Then, he will file down the tooth to eliminate the infection (if present) and get the desired shape of the remaining tooth. A drill is typically used at this stage.
The prepared tooth and surrounding teeth will be ready for the impressions.
After the impressions are taken, the crown will be made in the dental lab. As this process might take some time, a temporary crown will be placed in the meantime.
Once the final crown is ready, it will be permanently cemented to the natural tooth. The tooth will look and be as strong as it used to be.

Caring for a dental crown

After the new crown is placed, the patient should take care of it as if it were a natural tooth. It is vital to keep brushing and flossing twice a day to keep the oral cavity healthy and plaque-free.

Regular visits to the dental office for professional cleanings are strongly recommended to make sure the margins of the new crown remain clean. Under the crown, the patient still has a natural tooth structure. If the patient doesn’t keep the area clean, bacteria can accumulate on its edges and cause decay on that remaining natural tooth. It is crucial to understand that keeping the crown clean is necessary to prevent cavities and lengthen the lifespan of the restoration.

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(425) 557-9900
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